My Favourite 5 Apps
Sunday, June 07, 2015
Now that my blog has had a new look, I’m thinking of challenging myself to writing some different sorts of posts. I hope you like these sorts of posts and if you have any ideas then please write a comment below letting me know what you would like me to write about.
For this post I am focusing on some of my favourite apps. I love my iPhone 6 and since I ordered a bigger size I have been able to download some more apps and have a play with them. I am going to start with an already popular app.
This is like of an obvious one but it is one I go countless times a day, I have got to say I prefer Instagram to twitter as I like that there is a caption and a picture to look at. If you would like me to do a post on my favourite Instagram account let me know and I will totally do that for you.
This is a photo editing app that I use to edit my Instagram pictures so I thought I would include it as I do use this on a regular basis, you can add some really fun cute pictures to your photos to make them look fun but they also have some really nice filters.
This one is really focused towards us ladies. This is a great app if you’re looking to track that time of the month. I have always thought I never had a cycle but this app has really helped me realise I do have one. This is great if you’re like me and not too sure when mother nature’s hits, and if you have a holiday or special event coming up it can help you be prepared. Also for anyone trying to have a baby it also shows you your fertility window (I’m not trying before anyone asks).
I didn’t know Unidays had a app but they do and I am so glad they do. I’m not sure about you but I shop on my iPhone quite a lot and I also like to get a good discount. Unidays is great and gives you students discount on many sites that you wouldn’t get if you go to their stores. I am not a student but I work in education and have a NUS card which allows me to be registered with them. You can also sign up with your student email. I will leave you a link to sign up if you’re interested and it’s totally free which is even better. Back to why I love this app, it means I can check discounts anywhere and then it has a direct link to the shop and you can copy the code easily. It makes shopping so easy and a little cheaper. Come on girls that has got to be a win win…
This is again an already popular app but I love that I can listen to music for free and also the fact it suggests music is another plus. I have found so many songs I didn’t know existed because of this app. I am quite late to the Spotify craze so I am only starting to build playlists.
That’s my top 5 most used apps, I obviously use YouTube but that goes without saying but these apps above I have listed are fun and practical. Anything that makes your lived easier and filled with a little more joy I am happy!! If you have any you think I should check let me know.
Love Steph