Breakfast of champions

Sunday, May 05, 2013


I thought I would do a post on something I have been really loving. Just so you know as this could come up a lot on my blog is that I am a big fan of breakfast and as it is the most important meal of the day it better be a yummy one.
Soo I have been eating Warburtons fruit bread with banana on top, a glass of pure orange and a cod liver oil capsule as I have a bad knee. :( With this breakfast I am getting 3 of my 5 a day as 2 slices of fruit bread count as one (that what it says on the packaging) and the banana is full of potassium great for starting the day with lots of energy.
So I toast the 2 slices to a light golden brown and cut up the banana and spread it on the toast NO BUTTER on the bread!! Delicious and it will keep you going to lunch and if not I have a small handful of white grapes (4 of your 5).

Try it and see if it works for you, there are many types of fruit bread to try but I like Warburtons as the main fruit ingredient is orange and I love oranges.
Carpe diem

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